DIY Spider Repellent: Natural and Effective Home Remedies

If spider-catcher is your middle name and you seem to have the ability to hit them with a shoe right out of your dreams, you’re likely part of the ever-growing population of people who just can’t stand spiders. Unfortunately, spiders find their way into our homes, no matter how much we try to keep them out.

Before you head to the store in search of chemical-laden spider repellents and traps, consider trying out a few of the natural and effective DIY spider repellent options available. This blog post dives in to some of the best home remedies to keep spiders at bay without the use of harsh chemicals. Let’s get started!

You can make your own natural spider repellent using essential oils, such as peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil, diluted with water. Simply fill a spray bottle with the mixture and spray as needed in areas where spiders may enter your home.

Natural Spider Repellent Ingredients

Natural spider repellents can be a safe, effective and inexpensive way to help keep spiders out of your home. The key ingredients in natural repellents vary from peppermint oil and citrus rinds to red cedar shavings and sodium borate. While some believe that these methods are effective in deterring spiders, there are others who argue that the effectiveness of such methods is questionable.

Peppermint oil is often considered one of the most effective natural spider repellents on the market due to its strong aroma and irritating qualities for spiders. Studies have shown that spiders will avoid areas treated with essential oils, making it great for short-term protection. Additionally, the strong aroma emitted by peppermint could also repel other household pests such as ants, cockroaches and mosquitoes.

Citrus rinds contain a high concentration of d-Limonene, an ingredient found in many store-bought insecticides. This component irritates spiders when they come into contact with it, essentially scaring them away. However, some believe that this method may not be as effective for long-term control since the scent of the citrus will dissipate over time and any residual protection it provides would also fade away.

Red cedar shavings act as a desiccant, meaning they absorb moisture from spider habitats making it a less than desirable environment for them. This could be an effective way to prevent spiders from entering a certain area since they rely on moist environments to survive successfully. However, it has yet to be proven that red cedar is actually an effective spider repellent or preventative measure in homes.

Sodium borate is a popular all-purpose cleaner used in many households around the world. It’s believed that spreading borax around corners and windowsills of your home could create some form of barrier against certain types of spiders. Although this might be true, some people question whether there is enough scientific evidence to support this claim as an effective means of deterring spiders from entering your household permanently.

When deciding which type of natural spider repellent to use, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of each alternative before making your decision. Natural solutions may offer more safety than chemical alternatives but their effectiveness may not be as reliable or long lasting. With this knowledge in mind, we can now move onto preventive solutions to keep spiders away: an equally important aspect of spider prevention in any home or business!

Crucial Summary Points

Natural spider repellents can be an effective and inexpensive way to reduce the presence of spiders in your home. The key ingredients vary from peppermint oil, citrus rinds, red cedar shavings, and sodium borate. Each ingredient has its own benefits and drawbacks so it is important to understand them before making your decision. In addition to using natural repellents, preventive solutions such as caulking cracks and crevices in the home should also be considered in order to keep spiders away permanently.

Preventive Solutions to Keep Spiders Away

In many cases, simple preventative measures are the most effective strategies for discouraging spiders from entering the home. Regularly cleaning their breeding and hiding spots, such as thick matted piles of leaves, branches or grass clippings in the yard can help to reduce their numbers. Additionally, vacuuming thresholds and areas around windows to remove webs and egg sacs helps deter them as well. Reducing outdoor lighting by turning off outside lights at night also goes a long way in keeping spiders away.

One of the most important preventive solutions when it comes to deterring Spider infestations is setting up exclusion barriers that spiders cannot get through. It’s important to check openings around doors, windows and vents and caulk or seal any cracks or gaps between walls and floors. Additionally, using a door sweep across all entrances will ensure that spiders do not get in through gates and doors.

This preventative approach has proven quite successful in reducing Spider populations in homes, although some proponents of DIY spider repellents believe this strategy should be supplemented with homemade sprays for extra efficacy. On the other hand, natural-remedy skeptics are adamant that these home remedies are ineffective or unreliable, often questioning the scientific basis for these claims.

Regardless of which side of the debate you are on, there’s no denying that preventive solutions such as sealing openings and regularly cleaning clutter from yards can go a long way towards curbing spider populations from entering the home in the first place. With this in mind, let’s now turn our attention to some DIY recipes you could use to make your very own homemade Spider Repellent Spray.

Homemade Spider Repellent Spray Recipe

When trying to repel spiders, making a homemade Spider Repellent Spray is an effective and cost-efficient way of eliminating them from your home. It is made with natural ingredients like vinegar and essential oils, which are known for their naturally harsh scent that helps spiders stay away. Here is a recipe for creating a homemade spider repellent spray:


2 tablespoons white vinegar

2 cups water

*15 drops of essential oil (e.g., lavender, tea tree, peppermint)


1. Combine the ingredients together in a spray bottle and shake it until mixed.

2. Spray surfaces around your home that could be potential hiding grounds for spiders (windowsills, crevices, corners etc.)

3. After spraying each surface leave it to dry.

Using this type of spray is an efficient way to keep spiders out of your home; however there are also a few pros and cons to using such a method of spider control that should be considered and discussed before deciding to use this method. An advantage to using a homemade spider repellent spray is that it’s all-natural, inexpensive, and easy to make; this means little to no effort needs to be applied when creating or applying the spray. However, a disadvantage may be that some types of spiders may not be overly affected by certain types of essential oils due to their strong ability to adapt; additionally, over spraying with essential oil based products such as this could create an unpleasant scent throughout your home if not used carefully and efficiently.

Now that you know how to make an effective spider repellent spray at home, let’s take a look at some safe ingredients that can be used for keeping spiders out for good!

  • A 2020 review found that essential oil-based insecticides and plant extracts were among the most commonly used homemade remedies for spiders.
  • Ultrasonic devices have been shown to be effective in reducing spider populations in lab experiments.
  • Research has shown that some types of spiders are more responsive to certain odors than others, and certain odors can act as potential spider repellents.

Safe Ingredients to Keep Spiders Out

When it comes to keeping spiders out of the home, natural, safe ingredients are essential for shooing away unwanted eight-legged guests. Some of the most effective ingredients for spider repellent include citrus essential oils, vinegar, and garlic.

Citrus essential oils such as lemon, orange, mandarin and grapefruit are widely known for their pest-repelling properties. Citrus fruits offer a powerful scent with which arachnids do not like to associate themselves, making them highly effective when it comes to warding off spiders. Vinegar is equally powerful at repelling spiders due to its extremely potent aroma. The smell of vinegar can linger in hard-to-reach areas of your home, discouraging pests from entering or dwelling within walls and crevices. Garlic is also an ideal ingredient in DIY spider repellents due to its spicy scent that can naturally deter both spiders and other insects that may be congregating near your home.

The effectiveness and safety of natural spider repellent ingredients should be carefully considered before use. While lemon, orange, mandarin and grapefruit essential oils have been proven to be effective at naturally keeping spiders away, caution should be taken when handling essential oils around pets as some animals may have adverse reactions to strong scented substances. Additionally, vinegars and garlic can stain certain materials or surfaces if handled improperly, so caution is advised if you intend on using either of these ingredients extensively around your home or yard.

In order to ensure safe usage of natural pest repellents, it is imperative to closely follow the steps outlined by manufacturers for proper dilution and application process. With careful preparation and application of natural ingredients for spider repellent, homeowners can enjoy a pest-free property without the use of dangerous chemicals or toxins often found in store-bought sprays.

Now that you know more about the safe ingredients used in DIY spider repellent remedies, let’s explore some ways to create effective solutions using these natural products through tips and tricks for creating successful deterrents.

Tips and Tricks for Effective Repellents

When dealing with a spider infestation, there are several tips and tricks to consider when using spider repellents. Effective use of repellent products can be achieved by taking into account the environment where they are being used and understanding the different types of spiders present.

For instance, when trying to rid an area of wolf spiders, you should target areas that have food sources since that is where they usually hang around. Repellents should also be rotated every few weeks because spiders can become immune to the same product over time. Additionally, including an updated cleaning schedule in your routine will help reduce the amount of spiders in the room. Areas in the home that contain large amounts of dust and clutter give an attractive home to all kinds of pests, including spiders.

It’s also important to recognize that some repellents can actually create a bigger problem than they are solving as they might cause other insects or pests to congregate in the area looking for food. To avoid this added stressor, try using multiple types of repellents at once instead of one specific kind. This way, if one doesn’t work, there are still other products available to take care of your pest problem.

Though there may not be a single absolute method for treating spider infestations, understanding the effectiveness of different strategies and essential tips can help ensure you select the most effective solution. By following these approachable tips and tricks, you can use natural and effective spider repellents with confidence that it will achieve desired results.

Next up is understanding what areas are most suitable for application of these natural spider repellents: What Areas to Use Spider Repellents On?.

What Areas to Use Spider Repellents On?

When it comes to using spider repellent in your home, there are certain areas where you will see the best results. It is important to note that while some of these remedies may seem harmless and natural, they can still present a hazard to children or pets if not used properly. As such, it should be used at your own discretion to determine the safest location for repelling spiders.

The most effective areas for applying DIY spider repellents are along window sills and door frames as spiders will often enter through these locations due to their vulnerable construction. Additionally, gaps around plumbing fixtures should also be treated with a natural spider repellent to ensure that all entry points are plugged up. Caulking these areas regularly is also an effective deterrence tactic, as spiders may simply stick to the frame or be deterred by the plastered seal.

While the application of a DIY spider repellent directly on any furniture or interior decor can cause discoloration or staining, it is sometimes necessary to control existing insect populations on these surfaces. You should take extra precaution when spraying natural fluids onto carpets, curtains, and fabrics – especially those made from susceptible materials. Some people may also find success in coating their furniture legs with petroleum jelly or beeswax as this material gives off a scent that will repel spiders away from its surface.

It is important to bear in mind that spider prevention requires more than just treating one area with a DIY spider repellent; rather, taking multiple steps helps to establish a comprehensive protection plan. Regularly removing webs from walls, ceilings, attics and other enclosed spaces as well as sealing any cracks near windows and doors can help reduce the risk of an infestation in combination with other pest control strategies.

These preventive measures can work together to create an environment that is inhospitable for pests – including spiders – helping mitigate any infestations before they occur. With this in mind, the next section will dive into the use of backyard and garden plants as excellent natural deterrents against unreliable pests like spiders.

Backyard and Garden Plants for Spider Prevention

It is important to consider backyard and garden plants as an effective DIY spider repellent. There are many plants that have scents spiders naturally dislike, making them perfect for keeping spiders away from your home. Rosemary, lavender, lemon Thyme, eucalyptus, and citronella are particularly useful for creating a spider-proof perimeter around your house. Additionally, chrysanthemums contain natural oils that repel insects like spiders. Having these plants in the vicinity of your home can work as an effective deterrent to keep spiders out of your living space.

On the other hand, some experts argue that planting certain types of flowers can help attract spider predators into the backyard, reducing the spider population in the home. Marigolds and sunflowers may be beneficial in this sense.

While there is much discussion over what type of plant to use and what works best, having any kind of plant around the perimeter of your home can act as a powerful repellent against spiders. Taking advantage of natural scents and protecting your landscaping with anti-spider plants is key to keeping spiders far away from your house.

Now that you know how to create a natural defense around the outside of your home, let’s move on to the next section: Common Ways to Protect Your Home from Spiders.

Common Ways to Protect Your Home

Protecting your home from spiders is a common topic of discussion among homeowners. There are essentially two ways to go about this. Some people prefer to invest in chemical pesticides, which can be sprayed around the entire perimeter of the house and in areas prone to spider infestations, such as window sills and basements. Proponents for chemical pesticides argue that these products have been tested and proven effective at eliminating existing spider populations, as well as keeping new ones from coming in.

On the other hand, there are those who believe that chemical pesticides present unnecessary risks to both human and animal health, including potential carcinogens and other harmful chemicals. Therefore, they prefer natural and organic solutions that utilize items like herbs, oils, and other store-bought repellents and traps. Natural spider repellent proponents claim that natural products are just as effective at keeping spiders away, without the health risks associated with chemical pesticides.

Ultimately, the choice is up to each individual homeowner –– there are pros and cons to each option that should be considered before making a decision. But one thing remains clear: a comprehensive approach is necessary when it comes to protecting your home from spiders.

Now that we’ve discussed the common ways to protect your home from spiders, let’s move on to our conclusion in the next section which will explore an effective spider repellent solution.

Conclusion: An Effective Spider Repellent Solution

With the rise of natural and DIY solutions in recent years, there is no reason to settle for spider repellents that contain toxic chemicals. A variety of natural and effective DIY home remedies exist, from sticky paper traps to insecticidal soap. These methods are far cheaper and more attractive than chemical products, making them a great option for anyone looking for an affordable way to keep spiders away.

However, it should also be noted that some people have found success with commercially available chemical repellents that contain the active ingredient bifenthrin. While these products may pose a risk to human health, they can provide effective protection against spiders for up to three weeks at a time. Ultimately, the choice between using a chemical or natural product comes down to personal preference and must take into account the potential hazards associated with both methods.

Regardless of which route you take, it is always important to remember that DIY methods are unlikely to completely eliminate spiders from your property. Regularly inspecting your exterior walls and foundation can help identify entry points and help prevent future infestations. In addition, removing webs and egg sacs as soon as they are spotted is key in keeping your home free of spiders. With proper preventive measures and a pest control plan in place, you can maintain spider-free living spaces with confidence.

Common Questions

Are there any dangers associated with using homemade spider repellents?

Yes, there are some potential dangers associated with using homemade spider repellents. Many ingredients found in some DIY spider repellent recipes, such as essential oils and garlic, can be potentially toxic to humans or even pets if ingested. Additionally, some of these concoctions may contain chemicals or ingredients that could irritate the skin or eyes if handled improperly. It is important to exercise caution when using any home remedy, and to follow all the instructions exactly as indicated. It is also important to keep stored products out of reach of children and pets.

How often should I reapply homemade spider repellent?

It is recommended to reapply homemade spider repellent every two weeks or so. This will ensure that the repellent stays effective and that you are able to keep spiders away from your home for an extended period of time. Furthermore, if you notice that the spider problem persists even after reapplication, it may be necessary to apply more frequently. For best results, try different natural remedies in combination and take additional preventive steps such as sealing off entry points to the home and vacuuming regularly.

What ingredients should I use when making a homemade spider repellent?

When making a homemade spider repellent, it’s important to use ingredients that are both effective and safe. One of the most beneficial ingredients is essential oils, such as peppermint oil, lemon eucalyptus oil, tea tree oil, and citrus oil. These essential oils have strong odors that spiders find repellent. Homemade mixtures containing these oils should be sprayed in corners and around door ways to keep spiders away.

Cinnamon and cayenne pepper can also be used together in equal parts to help repel spiders. Mix these ingredients in water and then strain the solution before spraying it on areas where you want to repel spiders from. The spicy aroma will deter them from entering the area.

White vinegar and witch hazel can also be used to make a repellent spray for spiders. Dilute a few drops of each of these ingredients with water or alcohol and spray along windowsills, baseboards, and other areas where you’re likely to see spiders. Both white vinegar and witch hazel contain acetic acid which is an irritant for spiders.

Finally, create a spider-repelling barrier around your home by sprinkling ground black pepper on window ledges, door thresholds, baseboards, porches, and other entry points where spiders might come in contact with it. This natural ingredient is non-toxic and helps keep spiders away while creating an unpleasant environment they won’t want to enter into.






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