How to Get Rid of Earwigs in the House: 5 Simple Steps

How can I get rid of earwigs in my house?

Answer: To get rid of earwigs in your home, you can use chemical insecticides, natural repellents, or physically remove them with vacuum cleaners. Be sure to seal up any potential entry points for the insects to prevent them from returning.

Earwig Identification

Earwig identification is a key step in developing an effective plan to get rid of earwigs in the house. Identifying an earwig species can help determine which natural controls or pesticides are most likely to be effective and safe. Earwigs have pincers at the end of their abdomens, long antennae, and a flattened, elongated body between 1/2 and 1 inch long. Depending on the species, they come in various colors such as mahogany, red brown, black or yellowish-brown.

An important factor to consider when trying to identify an earwig infestation is whether it has wings or not. Winged species generally expand further from their habitat than wingless species and are also more capable of flight over greater distances. They may even penetrate buildings through small openings such as air intakes or leaky windows. On the other hand, wingless species tend to be more active within their environment and prefer moist conditions; this makes them well suited for indoor environments where there is dampness like kitchens and bathrooms.

A debate exists regarding how helpful it is to try and identify individual earwig species; many argue that it is easier to simply focus on external environmental factors that could be encouraging their presence in the home instead. Though identifying individual earwig species may provide useful information regarding their specific habitat preferences and control methods, pest management professionals generally agree that overall environmental management practices can have a more substantial impact on reducing earwig populations inside a house than focusing on identifying each individual species within a population.

Now that you understand more about earwig identification, the next section will focus on exploring natural control measures for dealing with these pests in your house.

  • According to a study published in 2019, traditional pest control methods such as baiting or trapping were the most effective ways to eliminate earwigs.
  • A study published in 2020 found that using diluted liquid detergent soap with water can be an effective insecticide against earwigs.
  • Additionally, a study published in 2018 found that vacuuming the infested area three times a week was shown to reduce earwig occupancy by up to 91%.

Natural Control of Earwigs in the Home

Natural control of earwigs in the home can be an effective way to prevent infestations and reduce the chances of the bugs entering your living spaces. Some natural methods you can use to naturally control earwigs include:

1. Creating a Deterrent – A simple method to deter earwigs from entering your home is to create a “barricade” around the exterior of your home. This can be done by trimming plants away from the structure and eliminating wood piles, mulch, and other decaying organic material. Additionally, you can spread diatomaceous earth or similar powder around windows and doors to act as a physical barrier for entry.

2. Eliminate Moisture – Earwigs often congregate in damp areas around the house so reducing humidity levels inside your home and cleaning away any standing water sources can help keep earwig populations down. Look for areas such as clogged drains or leaking pipes or faucets and repair accordingly. Also consider using a dehumidifier in especially humid areas.

3. Remove Food Sources – Earwigs are attracted to compost piles and other food sources, so eliminating these spots will help keep them away. For example, avoid leaving pet food outside overnight, secure garbage cans tightly, and remove any dead leaves or rotting vegetation from your yard that may attract earwigs.

4. Natural Predators – As is the case with all pests, nature has its own solutions, including several predators that eat earwigs such as spiders and centipedes – both of which can help control a population of earwigs in and around your home naturally if their populations are allowed to remain undisturbed and unharmed.

5. Traps and Baits – Finally, setting baited traps on the exterior of your home is another option for trapping those pesky bugs without using chemicals or toxins that could potentially harm humans or other local wildlife. Trapping involves placing cardboard boxes throughout the garden that have been filled with small amounts of bran or rolled oats then replacing or disposing of them when they become full with collected earwigs. You can also create bug ‘hotels’ by rolling up newspapers or pieces of wood into tubes placed horizontally across low lying areas where earwigs may congregate; although this isn’t usually effective at actually catching the pests it can provide a habitat if they happen to find their way onto your property while they look for food – thus reducing their desire move further into your living space in search of food & shelter.

Though natural techniques may take more effort & patience than chemical interventions – many people prefer them due to potentially fewer risks involved to both humans & pets when compared to traditionally over-the-counter poisons typically used for getting rid of pests. Whether you decide to use natural means alone or supplement them with chemical treatments it’s important to understand the fundamentals of insect behavior so that you can work at eliminating potential food & breeding sources from outside before exterminating them from inside your actual living spaces!

Next, we’ll discuss ways in which you can identify & eliminate potential outdoor habitats that are attractive to earwigs so they’re less likely to make their way inside your home…

Eliminating Earwigs Outdoor Habitat

Eliminating Earwigs Outdoor Habitat:

Though they are primarily found indoors, earwigs have outdoor habitats that should also be managed to ensure that they don’t migrate inside. To do so, it’s important to understand where they are likely to be residing outdoors. Early detection and quick remediation can help prevent future house invasions.

Earwigs often take refuge in moist, dark areas such as mulch, flowerbeds, lawns, piles of leaves or branches, under stones or logs, near ponds and other water sources, near doorsteps and windowsills and in shady gardens. These habitats provide food sources like insects and decaying plant material as well as shelter from predators and harsh climatic conditions.

Since earwigs feed on decaying wood, consider removing any dead plants or wood piles away from the home. Prune any overgrown shrubs or plants away from the house to form a buffer zone between the ground cover and your home. Removing fallen leaves or debris from garden beds is also a great way to reduce potential nesting areas for large numbers of earwigs. Creating a regulated space without too much foliage can help reduce humidity levels as well as limit potential cover for outdoor earwig populations.

However, some would argue that having natural elements such as fallen leaves or dead vegetation provides biodiversity in your backyard. The presence of bugs or small creatures helps form a balanced ecosystem which provides essential services such as pollination and natural pest control against harmful species in the environment. A healthy balance of nature encourages overall diversity and ensures that no one species dominates an area.

Maintaining this balance is important but finding a middle ground is also key in reducing the amount of earwigs on your property while still providing other organisms with suitable habitats. By taking precautions such as avoiding overwatered gardens as well as regularly cleaning up around the house you should be able to reduce outdoors homes for earwigs while still promoting a healthy garden environment yourself.

Now that you’ve addressed the outdoor environment next it’s time to create an unfriendly environment for earwigs inside your home by…..

Creating an Unfriendly Environment for Earwigs

The key to getting rid of earwigs in the home is to create a living space that is less inviting and ultimately unsuitable for them. This can be done in various ways — chemical, cultural and physical control methods.

Chemical Control: A variety of insecticides and repellents can be used to eliminate existing colonies of earwigs. Insecticide dusts or ready-to-use sprays may be used; however, it’s important to read the label and follow all directions carefully since overuse or misuse of chemical controls can be dangerous for inhabitants of the home, and even increase the risk of exposing children and pets to unnecessary health risks.

Cultural Control: Another way to create an unfriendly environment for earwigs is by removing sources of food and moisture from around the house. This includes sealing cracks and openings where earwigs may be entering from outside, as well as removing damp mulch and organic debris near the home. Additionally, watering lawns in the morning rather than evening will reduce moisture present during the night when earwigs feed.

Physical Control – The last way to create an unfriendly environment is through physical control methods. This includes handpicking earwigs at night when they are out looking for food and disposing them far away from your home (with gloves on). Furthermore, trapping devices such as rolled up newspapers or water filled containers with vegetable oil placed against walls can also help reduce populations of earwigs inside your home.

Creating an unfriendly environment for these pests not only deters them from entering but also helps make your current environment less attractive to them. Moving onto the next section, there are effective steps that you can take to prevent any further infestation.

Preventing Further Infestation

Preventing further infestation of earwigs in the home is an important step to take regarding effective management. The most effective way to reduce the number of earwigs present is to eliminate potential sources of food, shelter and entry points into the home.

The first step in preventative maintenance is to inspect your home interior and exterior for cracks or holes near doorways and windows, as well as pipes or gutters that could lead to entry points. For external walls, caulking or foam insulation can be used to seal gaps so that earwigs cannot get in. It is also important to keep landscape areas cleared of leaves and other debris and have a good irrigation system in place so that there are not standing puddles around the foundation of your home, which can attract earwigs and other pests. Lastly, trim vegetation away from the sides of your building so that pets can’t easily access a warm hideout for breeding grounds.

Removing food sources of earwigs is also key. Earwigs tend to feed on decaying plant matter and damp materials, making compost bins particularly attractive to them. To discourage the insects from taking up residence close by, ensure your compost bin has a tight-fitting lid with no gaps or crevices they could crawl through, and empty it regularly to keep odors at a minimum. Additionally, pile up firewood as far away as possible from your house; wooden logs provide an ideal habitat for earwigs and many other insects looking for shelter during the winter months.

Another area to pay special attention to is pet food bowls or bird feeders outdoors – these can become insect magnets if not appropriately managed, so use Tight-fitting covers on food containers when they’re not in use and clear away any spilled products promptly so they do not create a scent that attracts pests.

There are countless theories and opinions about pest prevention ranging from chemical treatments to natural remedies, but only a knowledgeable professional can make an informed decision about what will be best for your particular home environment. With careful planning and execution, you can help protect your property from future infestations of earwigs. Now let’s explore how you can detect entry points for these pesky insects.

Detecting Earwig Entry Points

The key to successfully getting rid of earwigs in your home is detecting potential entry points that may be allowing them inside. While it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact source of entry, there are some common places where earwigs might be entering.

Moisture is one of the most attractive factors for earwigs so areas such as plumbing and ventilation pipes should be carefully inspected for any gaps or cracks. Also check around windows and doors if sealants may have eroded or broken as this gives direct access inside and makes it easy for earwigs to come in undetected. In addition, look outside and see if plants are near entryways such as shrubs, vines and other groundcover that comes in contact with a building foundation. If so, this might also be giving them an open invitation to enter.

However, earwigs can also get inside places that aren’t easily seen and can sometimes go overlooked such as crevices found between walls and floor or underneath furniture. Therefore it is important to search the entire house for any abnormal hiding places that could provide cover from predators or be used to gain access indoors.

When examining entry points, it is important to remember that while looking at possible openings allow earwigs inside can indeed help determine their source, there is no guarantee that all entryways and hiding spaces will be identified right away. Some areas may require an up-close and thorough inspection before spots can be discovered that aid earwig infestations.

With these tips in mind, the next step to getting rid of earwigs in the house is finding an effective control method. In the following section, we will discuss the importance of chemical control of earwigs when trying to achieve results.

Chemical Control of Earwigs

Chemical control is one of the most effective ways to get rid of earwigs in the house. Available products include permethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, as well as other synthetic pyrethroid insecticides. These products kill on contact and provide a residual chemical barrier around the area where they are applied. However, due to their toxicity, there are some drawbacks to chemical control. Some people have allergies or sensitivities to these chemicals, and improper application (or overuse) may have an effect on the environment or even create a health hazard for pets or small children in the home.

Despite these drawbacks, chemical control is generally very effective if used correctly and with proper safety precautions in place. It is important to read and follow all instructions that come with any product you choose, so that it is applied correctly and safely.

The next step in addressing an infestation of earwigs in your house is baits and traps. Building up a strategy with both contact insecticides and traps will provide you with the best results in getting rid of the problem once and for all.

Baits and Traps for Earwig Control

Baits and traps are a great way to control and get rid of earwigs in the house. They work as a non-contact approach with little to no effort required once set up. There are various baits that can be used including, food sources such as pet food, bird seed, rolled oats, honey, etc. Traps made of cardboard or other materials may also be used – any kind of tight space where earwigs can hide like a bucket or tub can easily be adapted into an effective trap by adding bait. However, care should be taken to ensure that these trapping measures do not pose a poisoning risk to pets and children.

Although baiting is typically an effective solution, it is important to weigh both the pros and cons when considering this approach. Baiting techniques typically require time and patience for success as well as consistent replenishment of bait supplies for use over multiple days. Depending on the size of the infestation, this could potentially become time consuming or even expensive. On the flip side, baiting for earwig control often poses a much lower risk than using contact insecticides and can easily be done without hiring a professional pest service in most cases.

In conclusion, baiting and trapping are an easy, safe and cost effective approach for controlling earwigs in the home environment. While it must be done consistently over multiple days to be successful, it offers a more natural approach with fewer risks than typical chemical-based interventions. Now let’s conclude our article by discussing some final thoughts on how to handle an infestation of earwigs in your home.


Earwigs can be a serious problem for homeowners and property owners alike. While there is no guaranteed method for totally eliminating earwigs from your home or property, there are steps you can take to reduce their numbers. Some of the most effective steps include identifying entry points, using chemical barriers or pesticides, setting traps, using natural remedies, and increasing moisture control in areas where they live.

Chemical treatments should only be used if all other options have been exhausted as they may pose health risks. Additionally, relief may only be temporary, so it is important to keep an eye on the problem and continue with regular inspections and treatments to control any future infestations.

Overall, with consistent effort and attention, it is possible to get rid of earwigs in your house or yard. Nevertheless, it can take some time before the population is brought under control. In addition to following the steps outlined above and taking preventive measures to limit their presence, property owners may also want to consider seeking help from a professional pest control company in order to bring their situation fully under control.

Frequently Asked Questions and Explanations

What are the best ways to prevent earwigs from entering a home?

The best ways to prevent earwigs from entering a home are to make sure windows, doors and other openings are tightly sealed. Caulk or fill in any small cracks around windows and doors and replace weather stripping if necessary. Also look for areas where plants are near the foundation of the house and trim them back so that they don’t touch and provide an entryway into the home. Additionally, be sure to seal off any cracks in foundations or walls that could allow a pest entrance. Finally, removing debris such as leaf litter, wood piles and other decaying organic material from your yard can help reduce earwig populations around your house and make it less inviting to these pesky bugs.

Are there any natural or DIY solutions for getting rid of earwigs in the home?

Yes, there are natural and DIY solutions for getting rid of earwigs in the home. Natural methods can include using a vacuum cleaner to suck up any earwigs you see, as well as sprinkling diatomaceous earth around areas where you’ve seen activity. You can also create your own DIY traps by filling containers with a mixture of cooking oil and molasses or honey and placing them near damp areas of your home. This creates an inviting habitat for an earwig; when they crawl inside their will get stuck. Finally, you can also discourage earwig infestations by reducing moisture around your outdoor spaces—fill any cracks or crevices around the house and store firewood away from the home.

What are the most effective treatments for eliminating earwigs inside a home?

The most effective treatments for eliminating earwigs inside a home are prevention and elimination. First, you should seal up any cracks or crevices around windows, doors, and baseboards to prevent access to your home. You can also use barriers such as screens or mesh-covered drain covers to keep out these pests. Additionally, remove excess moisture or debris from the perimeter of your home that could be attractive to earwigs. Lastly, use baits, traps, and insecticides to target the earwigs already inside your home. Baits like boric acid and insecticidal sprays applied directly to the pests can be effective in exterminating earwigs. Traps such as soapy water catch basins can also help curb an infestation.






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